With consumers buying almost everything online these days, it’s not hard to understand why jewelry dealers are setting up shop online as well. But is it safe to buy diamond pendants online? Or any piece of jewelry for that matter? The answer is a resounding YES! But, with all websites and companies online, you should know who you’re buying from.
Here are some tips on how to make sure your jewelry purchase is one you won’t end up regretting:
Read the return policy: When you’re buying online make sure you fully understand the company’s return policy. Most reputable jewelers will offer at a minimum a 30-day money-back guarantee. Know the return policy and any exceptions to that policy. If you’re unsure, call or message them to ask for clarification.
Can they be easily contacted? The company’s contact information should be clearly displayed and they should encourage questions from potential consumers. They should have a FAQ page, and their address should also be clearly displayed. It’s a good idea to actually call the number they have listed to make sure it’s correct. Email them as well to see how long it takes them to respond.
Company credentials: Do some research on the company itself. Do they have a good rating with the Better Business Bureau? What do past customers have to say about their experience in dealing with the company? How long have they been in business?
Website security: When you pay with a credit card, make sure you are doing so with the Secure Check Out tool. This is the best way of making sure your information will not get compromised in any way. These days, companies have secure applications at their fingertips to ensure the security of their customers and their customers’ information. If the company doesn’t use Secure Check Out, think twice about making a purchase. Visit 99 Jewels for more details.